30 products

    30 products
    Siempre Viva (Herb)
    Siempre Viva - Leaf Of Life
    from $7.42
    Bledo Blanco : Ewe Tete in African Religions
    from $7.42
    Flor de Agua (Herb)
    Flor de Agua Herb (each)
    Alacrancillo (Herb)
    Alacrancillo Herb / Alacrancillo Plant
    from $7.42
    frescura herb
    Frescura (Herb)
    Frescura Herb
    from $7.42
    Corazon de Paloma Herb / Ewe Rin Rin
    cotton plant
    Cotton Plant
    Yagruma (Herb)
    Yagruma Herb
    Canutillo Herb
    Almacigo Herb
    Mastuerzo (Herb)
    Guava (Herb)
    Guava Herb
    Campana Blanca Herbs
    Embeleso  (Herb)
    Embeleso Herb
    Caimito Purple Herb
    Caisimón Herb / Caisimon herb
    Mano Poderosa Plant
    Muralla  (Herb)
    Muralla Herb
    Sauco Blanco (Herb)
    Sauco Blanco Herb
    Malanga (Herb)
    Malanga Herb
    Llanten (Herb)
    Llanten Herb
    Tua Tua Herb
    Tua Tua Herb
    Saco Saco Herb
    Mango Leaves (Herb)
    Mango Leaves (Herb)
    Helecho  (Herb)
    Helecho Herb
    Papaya - Fruta Bomba (Herb)
    Papaya - Fruta Bomba Herb
    Anon Herb
    Money Tree
    Money Tree
    Sale price $21.99 Regular price $24.99 Save $3
    Avocado (Herb)
    Chichicate  (Herb)
    Chaya (Herb)

    Obatalá Herbs for Sale

    Unleashing the Power of Sacred Herbs - A Guide to Connecting with the Orisha of Purity

    In your spiritual journey, you might have come across Obatalá, the esteemed orisha of purity and wisdom in the Yoruba religion. Obatalá embodies calmness, justice, and clarity, a spiritual being that radiates peace. Connecting with Obatalá can enlighten your path and bring unparalleled inner peace.

    A privileged way to connect with Obatalá is through the use of his sacred herbs. These herbs have been employed for generations to invoke the blessings and energy of Obatalá. Below, we answer some frequently asked questions about Obatalá herbs and their religious properties:

    What are Obatalá Herbs?

    Obatalá herbs are a collection of sacred plants associated with this orisha of purity. These plants are believed to contain potent spiritual properties that can be used to connect and harmonize with the energy of Obatalá.

    What are the Properties of Obatalá Herbs?

    The properties of Obatalá herbs vary depending on the specific plant. Some are used for purification, while others aid in meditation and mental clarity. Each herb is believed to harbor unique energy that can be harnessed for spiritual purposes.

    How are Obatalá Herbs Used in the Yoruba Religion?

    In the Yoruba religion, Obatalá herbs are used in rituals, spells, and offerings to the orisha. They are frequently employed to invoke the blessings and energy of Obatalá for various purposes, such as spiritual purification, peace, and mental clarity. Some herbs are also used for cleansing rituals and meditation.

    How Do I Use Obatalá Herbs for Spiritual Purposes?

    Obatalá herbs can be used in various ways for spiritual purposes. They can be burned as incense, added to bathwater, infused in oils or teas, or used in sacred spells and rituals. The specific use will depend on the herb and the user's intention.


    Obatalá herbs are a powerful tool for connecting with the orisha and unlocking profound inner peace and clarity. By understanding the properties of these sacred plants and how to use them for spiritual purposes, you can attune to the energy and blessings of Obatalá. At [Your Company Name], we offer a wide range of organic and ethically sourced Obatalá herbs to aid you on your spiritual journey. Discover the transformation and enlightenment these herbs can bring to your journey of spiritual growth and self-discovery.