39 products
39 products
Oshun Altar
Sopera de OSHUN
Oshun has a distinctive altar, the yellow color mixed with bronze and gold, makes it stand out from the other orishas.
The oshun tureen is made of porcelain, we can find it in light yellow or gold colors, sometimes a mixt of these two.
The tureen of oshun in Yoruba land, is very different from the tureen of Afro-Cuban oshun, these tureens are a more traditional style and have more rustic and emblematic accessories
Oshun, also spelled Osun, an orisha (deity) of the Yoruba people of southwestern Nigeria. Oshun is commonly called the river orisha, or goddess, in the Yoruba religion and is typically associated with water, purity, fertility, love, and sensuality.
The Afro-Cuban oshun tureen is brighter in terms of design and materials, these are made of porcelain and are mostly yellow and gold, although there are many designs of flowery oshun tureens
Soperas de Oshun Dorada
In the Afro-Cuban and Yoruba tradition, Oshun is a beautiful goddess, which is why many of her followers decorate their tureens as if she were the goddess of Gold.
The oshun tureen is made of porcelain, its predominant colors are yellow and gold, although there are some variants such as:
Sopera de oshun ololodi
Sopera de oshun Ibu Kole
Sopera de oshun Grande
all may have a small color variation or decorations that highlight the oshun icon
Soupterine for oshun , Oshun Soup big, Tureens, Pots, Ceramic Bowls, Potiches, Jar, etc. the Variation in size and style depends on the buyer.
Usually the followers of oshun try to have their saint as high as possible, that is why everyone tries to have a pedestal that highlights the beauty of the orisha