47 products

    47 products
    Bledo Blanco : Ewe Tete in African Religions
    from $7.42
    Atiponla Herbs
    Siempre Viva (Herb)
    Siempre Viva - Leaf Of Life
    from $7.42
    Itamo real Herb
    Itamo Real Herb
    from $7.42
    Curujey Herb
    from $5.42
    Paraiso Herb
    Paraiso Herb - Planta Paraiso
    Alamo planta
    hojas de alamo
    Alamo Plant
    Boton De Oro Herb
    Alacrancillo (Herb)
    Alacrancillo Herb / Alacrancillo Plant
    from $7.42
    Mar Pacifico Rojo (Herbs)
    Mar Pacifico Rojo - Red Hibiscus Plant - Herb
    Yagruma (Herb)
    Yagruma Herb
    Sage (Herb)
    Salvia - Sage Herb
    Cundiamor (Herb)
    Cundeamor Herb
    Maravilla (Herbs)
    Maravilla Herbs
    Canutillo Herb
    Basil Herb / Albahaca Blanca planta
    from $7.42
    frescura herb
    Frescura (Herb)
    Frescura Herb
    from $7.42
    Verdolaga (Herb)
    Verdolaga Herb
    from $7.42
    Corazon de Paloma Herb / Ewe Rin Rin
    Peonia (DRIED) -  Wereyeye (Herb)
    Peonia (DRIED) - Wereyeye (Herb)
    Cucaracha Herb
    Campana Blanca Herbs
    cotton plant
    Cotton Plant
    Basil Purple Herb / albahaca morada
    from $7.42
    hierba fina for sale
    Hierba Fina
    from $7.42
    Caisimón Herb / Caisimon herb
    Pata de Gallina Planta
    Romerillo (Herb)
    Romerillo Herb
    Fosforito Herb
    Fosforito Herb (Quita maldición de babalawo)
    Hierba Hedionda Herb
    Pinon de Botija Herb
    Pinon de Botija Herb
    Meloncillo Herb
    Jaguey (Herb)
    Jaguey Herb
    Cordoban  Herb / planta cordoban
    Cordoban Herb
    Ceiba Herb
    Algarrobo Herb
    Coralillo Herb
    Mastuerzo (Herb)
    Lengua de Vaca Herb
    guacamaya herb
    Guacamaya Herb

    Orula Herbs for Sale

    Unveiling the Power and Wisdom of the Sacred Herbs

    If you are on a spiritual journey, you may have encountered Orula, the orisha of wisdom in the Yoruba religion. This powerful spiritual being embodies wisdom, divination, and profound knowledge. Devotees of Orula believe that connecting with him can unleash profound understanding and unparalleled spiritual guidance.

    A pathway to connect with Orula is through the use of his sacred herbs. These plants have been utilized for centuries to summon the blessings and energy of this orisha. Here we answer some common questions about Orula’s herbs and their religious properties:

    What are Orula's Herbs?

    Orula’s herbs consist of a collection of sacred plants associated with the orisha Orula. These plants are believed to possess powerful spiritual properties, used for connecting with the orisha and harnessing his energy.

    The Plants in the Rites of "Mano de Orula" and Ifá Consecration Ceremonies

    In the rites of "Mano de Orula" and Ifá consecration ceremonies, certain plants and herbs hold a central place. One indispensable plant is bledo, known as ewe tete in the Yoruba language; in other words, they are different terms referring to the same plant. These ceremonies are fundamental for initiating devotees into the mysteries of Ifá and deeply connecting them with Orula. Each herb has a specific meaning and purpose in these sacred rituals, playing a crucial role in communicating and connecting with the spiritual world.

    How are Orula's Herbs Used in the Yoruba Religion?

    In the Yoruba religion, Orula's herbs are used in rituals, spells, and offerings to the orisha. Often, they are employed to invoke the blessings and energy of Orula for various purposes such as healing, protection, and wisdom. Some herbs are also used in cleansing and divination rituals.

    How Do I Use Orula's Herbs for Spiritual Purposes?

    Orula's herbs can be used in various ways for spiritual purposes. They can be burned as incense, added to bathwater, infused in oils or teas, or used in spells and rituals. The specific use will depend on the herb and the user's intention.


    Orula's herbs are a powerful tool for connecting with the orisha and unlocking profound wisdom and spiritual guidance. By understanding the properties of these sacred plants and how to use them for spiritual purposes, you can attune to Orula’s energy and blessings. At [Your Company Name], we offer a wide variety of Orula’s herbs, organic and ethically sourced, to assist you on your spiritual journey. Discover the transformative power and ancestral wisdom waiting to be unlocked within you.